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How C*m

Feb 26, 2024

Today's guest is the very funny, very handsome, and extremely anti-camping licensed professional counselor, Jeff Guenther. You may now him best from his insanely popular advise account, TherapyJeff on TikTok and Instagram -- and we're so lucky to have him here today! We're talking relationship do’s and don’ts, for people currently in relationships, people who are trying to get into relationships, and people who have no interest in relationships at all! From love bombing; how to recognize it, and how to stop yourself from doing it, to farting in front of a partner, to learning healthy relationships when they weren't modeled for you, to supporting partners with mental health issues/ body issues, to being monogamish, and several compatibility tests that we have learned from the New York Times and Married At First Sight: Australia -- this episode has it all. 


Follow Jeff @TherapyJeff

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