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How C*m

May 29, 2021

We're talking pivotal life moments with life coach and motivational speaker Raia Carey (better known as "Coach Carey") and How C*m's own Social Media superstar and recent college graduate Raechel Murray. Raechel joins us for CumGRADuations to celebrate the graduating classes of 2020 and 2021 and talk about graduating...

May 22, 2021

We're talking Israel + Palestine with your favorite Jewish/Palestinian lesbian married couple, OR the only one you know -- the "El Salomons!" Comedians Jess Salomon and Eman El Husseini join us to discuss how they met, what it was like for them in the early stages of their relationship, coming out to their families and...

May 13, 2021

Comedian and season 1 guest Ester Steinberg is back for a special cumgratulations: we are celebrating her first Mother's Day! She tells us about the bizarre techniques that the internet suggests for inducing labor, how often she masturbated during pregnancy, and what breastfeeding was like for her. Finally, hear why...

May 6, 2021

You've requested it, and it's FINALLY HERE! We're talking anti-depressants and sexual dysfunction with psychiatrist + sex therapist Dr. Barbara Bartlik and comedian Andrew Collin! Andrew tells us about his journey with anxiety, depression and medication. We cover the sexual frustration that comes with the loss of...